Restarting Marathon Training...Again (Week 1)For what is at least the third or fourth time now, I'm digging back into a marathon training program. I've settled on a target race date...
Marathon Training - Week 4Four weeks into the training schedule for my first marathon and the magnitude of the run that I'm preparing for begins to set in. Less...
Grinding Out Marathon Training With AccountabilityAs the first two months of 2016 march swiftly on, I've started to feel nagging anxiety about my goal to complete a marathon this year. I...
Half Marathon Training TimeWith this new year, I am officially starting my half marathon training regimen. I've been looking forward to sinking my teeth into this...
The 6 Things That I Need To RunLast week, I listed out my three goals for running that helped put me in a position to get into better shape and to start getting to be a...