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Driven and Determined Or Maybe Just Stubborn?

That really is a question I have to ask of myself frequently, but I figure if I do something productive with it then the ends justify the means. Maybe.

With that personality trait/flaw leading the way, I decided a few days ago that I'm running a marathon next year. In my first post on this blog, I stated one of my three running goals was to run a half marathon this year (in the works) and to run a full marathon by the end of 2017. Well, I can be impatient - or stubborn, whichever you like - and I figured that leaving my goal that open ended was for the birds.

So now, barring some kind of injury or physical limitation, I'm fulfilling my full marathon goal within the next 20 months or so and I'm already getting both amped up and intimidated. Along with that, I also decided that in 2017, I would run the Grandfather Mountain Marathon. Doing that race would put me in position to accomplish one of my bucket list items which is to do The Bear run in the same year as the Grandfather Mountain Marathon. This might be a little too ambitious for me, but I won't know until I try. Which may lead to me REALLY knowing.

It's kind of hard to get my mind around running 26.2 miles when I've been so focused on getting to the 13.1 mark. By the same token, I had a hard time fathoming running 13.1 when I started getting more into running several months ago. I would say that the hardest part is deciding to do it, but that's not remotely true. I'm not really sure what the hardest part is, but I'll let you know when it happens.

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